Friday, May 29, 2009

Free SEO Blog Software

Jeff Johnson just posted a new case study to his blog for you.

The case study reveals exactly how one of his Free SEO Blog
Software owners is using it to...

Increase his traffic 6,250%, and make ten times as much money.

Here's a direct quote from the interview:

"In every single case the domains are making more money...

some are earning ten times the amount...

in very, very competitive markets..."

It's so easy, anyone can do it... especially you.

You can listen to the entire case study here:

Underground Training


If you haven't grabbed your free copy of Jeff's SEO Blog Software...
Download it now:

Underground Training

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Secret Newbie Goes From Zero To 70K In 7 Days!

Two newbies just went from zero to 70k in 7 days.

Learn how they did it... just listen to this free audio recording:

Click here

Here's the story:

A student from Jeff Johnson's coaching club, who just joined in June, went from zero to 70k in 7 days.

He's a PHD Student and a complete clickbank newbie.

His wife was pregnant with twins, on doctor-ordered bed rest... and a complete internet newbie.

Yet they were able to use Jeff's systems and and techniques to go from...

Zero to 70k in 7 days...

The best part... because of their success she didn't have to go back to work...she gets to stay home with her babies and enjoy life.

Here's how they did it... and you can too...

Click here

Thursday, May 14, 2009


I found this great ebook called SIX STEPS TO SIX FIGURES WITH LIST MARKETING.

What a great ebook. Jimmy D. Brown walks you through step by step on how to build a business using List Marketing. I found some great tips for newbie's like myself and also for someone who is more experienced.

Click on the 'MORE' button below which will allow you to save this PDF file to your desktop.

Six Steps To Six Figures With List Marketing Six Steps To Six Figures With List Marketing jackie861 Free eBook Jimmy Browm helped thousands of people build their online business using email lists.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Secret To How To Make Money With Online Surveys


Are you looking for a way to make money with
Online Surveys?

If you're looking for the
fastest, easiest way to
make money with online
surveys then you'll
want to read this exciting

  • how to get paid to take online surveys and make top $$$$ for each...

  • how you can get paid easily for taking simple phone surveys...

  • how you can get paid for previewing movie trailers...

  • how you can get paid for your opinion...

Hear the insiders scoop from Deborah Casey, an expert in the online survey business.

Click Here Now!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

How To Make This Ebook Your Golden Goose!

Today I doing a test. I'm giving away this FREE ebook called How To Make This Ebook Your Golden Goose!.

I'm looking to prove what they said in the ebook.

Viral marketing a marketing techniqued that is used in larger companies like Google, Hotmail and Yahoo Mail.

All these companies use viral marketing as part of their marketing strategies. My test consists of whether the little person such as myself can duplicate the same success.

Maybe on a smaller scale, but never the less successful.

So what I'm doing tonight I've brought a copy of this ebook that cost me $17 and I'm giving it away to anyone who wants it!

The way I'll be able to tell whether this strategy works or not is I'll hear about it on the net.

I'm always on a lot of the forums and at some point in time I should hear about this test because of the buzz that this activity should generate.

If all goes as I plan it should only take about a week before I should see measureable results.

If you would like to participate in this marketing test please download a copy of the FREE ebook.

Also please leave a comment about what you think about this test. I would love to hear from you.

When you click the link it will open in another window.

How To Make This Ebook Your Golden Goose!.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

7 Dollar Secrets

I had been hearing about this product and finally I bought it to see what it was all about. I was really impressed. It's well written and an easy read.

$7 Secrets opens new window to the description and order page

7 Dollar Secrets teaches you the psychology behind writing small and inexpensive reports. In addition to that it shows you how your affiliates can make money too.

This simple report has taken one single idea and using Don Morris technique makes tens of thousands of dollar with it.

What convinced me to buy the product is because Willie Crawford recommends it. I value his opinion. I'm convinced that I got more than my money's worth with this product.

I also like knowing that even though this report cost me $7 I'll easily make 100's if not 1000's of dollars from this single report.

If you're looking for plan to help you sell small inexpensive reports then you'll be completely suprised! I recommend it highly!

RATING: *****

$7 Secrets opens new window to the description and order page

Give your site the exposure it needs

Jackie K. Anderson is the founder of How To Have A Flat Stomach where you can get the latest information on weight loss, diet and exercise programs. Get your free newsletter "Weight Loss Secrets" at:

Monday, May 4, 2009

8 Common Bum Marketing Mistakes

Hi Everyone,

I just read this great report "8 Common Bum Marketing Mistakes". I wanted to share with you what mistakes I was doing that are included in this report!

Item #1 having clickbank as your only resource which is talked about in this report and one of the mistakes I was making. After reading this report I rectified this mistake, whew!

Another mistake I was making, offering products and not making a lifetime income. I can proudly say another mistake has been fixed!

As you can see I was missing the mark on several things.

I'm happy I came across "8 Common Bum Marketing Mistakes". when I did. If I can help just one person stop making the same mistakes I was making will do my heart good.

Want to find out if you're making "8 Common Bum Marketing Mistakes"
